Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Why should I get pre/post construction soil treatment?

Pre-construction soil treatment is carried out to establish a barrier of treated soil that prevents termites from gaining access to the building from the sides or beneath it. This treated soil acts as a barrier to protect the building’s foundation and wooden structures from termite infestations.

Post-construction soil treatment is aimed at maintaining this protective barrier of treated soil. This is important to ensure that the building remains protected from termites over the long term.

By maintaining the treated soil barrier, any potential gaps or breaches can be identified and treated promptly to prevent termite infestations from occurring or spreading. Proper maintenance of the treated soil barrier through post-construction soil treatment is essential for effective termite control and prevention.

How to get rid of termites effectively/safely?

While there are many DIY termite control tips available online, it is generally not advisable to attempt to treat termite infestations on your own. Effective termite control requires specialized equipment and the use of termiticides, which typically require specialized skills to apply safely and effectively. In short, termite treatment is a job best left to professionals with the necessary training and experience. Hiring a licensed pest control expert ensures that the infestation is properly identified, and the appropriate treatment is applied in a safe and effective manner. In the long run, professional termite control services can save you time, money, and the frustration of dealing with a persistent termite problem.

Are baits more effective than sprays?

The type of active termite present will determine the most effective treatment method. Baits are commonly used for the most destructive species, such as the Coptotermes, and for more common termites. On the other hand, sprays or liquid treatments tend to be more effective for other types of termites. Both treatment methods can be highly effective when used correctly and can target a significant portion of the colony for exposure and elimination. Therefore, for optimal and long-lasting results, it is important to select the appropriate treatment method based on the specific type of termite infestation.

What should I do to prevent termites invading my home/office?

If you own a pre-constructed property, we highly recommend treating the foundation soil before building to prevent termite infestations. For post-constructed properties, it is important to eliminate excess moisture in the home to keep termites away. Additionally, treating wooden materials with wood preservatives can provide long-lasting protection against termites. It’s also important to fix and seal any leaks and carry out regular inspections to detect and address any termite activity. To maintain your home or office, regular cleaning and oiling of furniture can help prevent termites from infesting wooden surfaces. By taking these preventive measures, you can help ensure your property remains termite-free and well-maintained.

Common Pests

Can pests cause health problems?

Yes, some pests can cause a variety of health problems, including allergic reactions, asthma, and the transmission of diseases. It is important to address any pest infestations promptly to minimize the risk of health problems.

Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches and prevent them from coming back?

While it is possible to eliminate cockroaches from a home, reinfestations may occur depending on the specific species and the location of the home.

Regular exterior cockroach control, combined with sealing outside cracks and holes in walls, can help limit the likelihood of infestations. By performing routine pest control measures and addressing potential entry points, you can help prevent cockroaches from entering your home.

Our Envirotechs are trained to identify any conditions that may contribute to cockroach infestations and can provide recommendations on how to effectively get rid of these pests. By addressing these conditions and implementing effective pest control strategies, you can keep your home free of cockroaches over the long term.

How long does it take for the treatment to work?

It’s a common misconception that once a professional pest control treatment has been performed, all of your pest problems will disappear immediately. But in most cases, you can expect to see a significant and noticeable reduction in pest activity within one to two days.

How often should I get pest control services?

A professional pest control treatment can take as long as at least 4-6 times of treatment to fully eradicate your pest problem, of course, depending on the level of infestation.

Why should I hire a professional when I can try and do it myself?

Pests are a resilient bunch and are adept at hiding and entering a home in places you would never think. A pest management professional will know where to look for pests and make expert recommendations on what it will take to prevent or eliminate pests. Also, a licensed pest professional is the only person who can apply pesticides.

Why do I have lots of flies or mosquitoes?

Flies and Mosquitoes are often an indicator of a nearby breeding site. If you notice a large number of flies or mosquitoes in your home or property, it’s likely that there is a nearby breeding ground providing an ample food source for these pests.

They can easily enter homes through open doors or unscreened windows in search of food or shelter. It is important to identify and eliminate the breeding site, as well as take measures to prevent flies from entering your home.

By addressing these issues, you can effectively control and prevent fly and mosquito infestations in your home.

Are the chemicals/treatments used safe?

The chemical used for pest control has a knockdown, residual effect, and residual insecticides are generally considered safe for pets and humans when used according to label instructions. However, it is important to keep baits out of reach of children and pets and to follow all safety precautions recommended by the manufacturer.

We only use FDA approved chemicals. But we still highly suggest to vacate the area to be treated for at least 1 to 3 hours.

How do I prevent flies/mosquitoes from breeding in/near my home?

Sanitation is important. Make sure your garbage is disposed of properly and the garbage cans are covered and emptied regularly. You can also check cracks around windows, doors and vents as possible entry points, and cover or seal them.

How can I personally get rid of rats and mice in my home?

There are several steps you can take to get rid of rodents in your home. First, seal all entry points where rodents can enter your home, such as cracks and holes in walls, floors, and doors. Second, get rid of unused household materials that can provide shelter for rodents. Third, set up traps in areas where rodents are commonly found. Fourth, keep your home clean and remove all potential sources of food for rats and mice.

What are the signs that I should get a rat control?

Since rats and mice are bigger than other “pests”, signs of infestation are fairly easier to look out for. Some of these signs are chewed wires or materials, holes on food packaging, rotting or musky odors, nests, and scratching or running noises in the walls. So, when you see one, call us right away.

Can Environet Pest Control help me get rid of rats and mice in my home?

Yes, we can help you get rid of rodents in your home. Our trained professionals can identify the type of rodent infesting your home and provide customized treatment solutions to get rid of them. We also give prevention advice to help you avoid future infestations.


How can I minimize the spread of harmful microorganisms?

Proper cleaning and disinfection of surfaces can help minimize the spread of harmful microorganisms. Make sure to clean and disinfect surfaces frequently, especially those that are frequently touched, such as door handles, light switches, and countertops. Use a disinfectant that is effective against a broad range of microorganisms and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use.

Can regular cleaning and disinfection improve overall health?

Yes, regular cleaning and disinfection can help improve overall health by reducing the risk of exposure to harmful microorganisms. Additionally, maintaining a clean environment can help reduce stress and promote mental health.

Are the chemicals/solutions used safe for babies/kids/senior citizens?

The chemicals and solutions that we use are safe to the environment and are plant-based. The natural liquid detergent that we use actually has disinfection properties made from natural herbal extracts that are biodegradable, safe, and effectively kills coronavirus.

How often should I get a disinfection treatment?

Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has happened, it is best to get a disinfection treatment as routinely and as thoroughly as possible.

In General

What are some non-toxic pest control methods?

Some non-toxic pest control methods include using insect light traps (ILT), sealing entry points, barriers, and other mechanical traps and maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment. You can also use natural repellents, such as essential oils and vinegar, to deter pests.

How often should I have my home inspected for pests?

It is recommended that you have your home inspected for pests at least once a year, especially if you live in an area with a high incidence of pest activity. However, if you notice signs of pest activity, such as droppings or damage to your home or belongings, you should contact a pest control professional right away.

What should I do if I have a pest infestation?

If you have a pest infestation, it is important to contact a pest control professional as soon as possible. They can help you identify the type of pest and develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate the infestation. In the meantime, you should avoid using over-the-counter pesticides, as these can be harmful to people and pets if not used properly.

How can I prevent pests from entering my home?

To prevent pests from entering your home, make sure to seal all entry points, such as cracks and holes in walls, floors, and doors. Keep your home clean and free of clutter, and store food in tightly sealed containers. Regularly inspect your home and yard for signs of pest activity, and address any issues promptly.

What is your Service Process?

Environet Pest Control offers custom pest control plans to suit your pest control needs. Our pest management plans specialize in the removal and prevention of disease-causing and irritating, invasive flying and crawling insects. Our general pest control process typically involves the following steps:

Step 1: Inspection
The first step is to conduct a thorough inspection of the property to identify the type of pest and the extent of the infestation. This will help determine the best pest control plans and treatments to meet your specific needs. Our inspection is FREE of charge.

Step 2: Pest Identification
Once the pest has been identified, the technicians will develop a plan to address the infestation. The plan will vary depending on the type of pest and the severity of the infestation.

Step 3: Agreement
The reports and proposal will be sent and is subject to the client’s approval. The service fees and scope of work shall be agreed upon by the client and service provider prior to the rendering of pest control services.

Step 4: Treatment
Our pest control technicians always rely on the safest available pest control treatment methods to eradicate the pest. They are equipped with competent equipment, and techniques from initial findings to solution applications using environment-friendly, FPA-approved, and FDA-registered chemicals. The treatments may involve the use of chemicals, traps, baits, or other pest control products.

Step 5: Prevention
To prevent future infestations, our pest control technicians may provide advice on how to prevent pests from entering the property. This may include sealing entry points, maintaining cleanliness, and removing sources of food and water for pests.

Our reports encompass all our findings, facts, and recommendations that you can fully depend on.